I live in Montpelier, VT with one sweet kitty named Eleanor. My work as a spiritual counselor is done both by phone, and in person, from my home.

What a session with me is like:

My primary intention when working together is to see the whole you; the person that you would like to be, and to hold that vision. In a session (whether in person or by phone) I am “listening” to your words, your energetic field, and to Spirit, for what can be changed or re-directed (and also for what you are doing right but may not be noticing) so that a shift into a more positive life experience, can occur. When we change on the inside (either by dropping limiting beliefs or expanding our awareness of Life) our “outside” world must change too.

The biggest difference between the work that I do, and traditional counseling, is that in a session, we spend very little time trying to figure out the past. I’ve found that although “issues” need to be talked about, dwelling on them, and spending a lot of time trying to understand why things happened, or why we are reacting the way that we are, can just keep us stuck there (we may ultimately understand the problem better, but we still have it). So in a session, we use the past as a base or springboard to move from, into the life that you would like to be living.

I sometimes offer suggestions for affirmations, based on what I see and feel, and if you are open to it, I give “assignments” to work on after our session is over. I come to every session intending an uplifting, growing and expanding experience for you, with the ultimate goal of helping you to open up to more inner peace, happiness, abundance, and self-love.

Life is meant to be an exciting adventure. Life is meant to be good, and it is my greatest joy to assist others on this journey of Self-discovery: the journey past the small, limited, sometimes fearful self, and into who we really are as points of Divine Consciousness (our true Selves).


HOURS:  My “normal” business hours are everyday from 9 a.m. -5 p.m., but since I love flexibility, and I assume others do too, I am also open for last minute sessions and encourage you to contact me at any time of the day if you’d like to work something through. I can often set sessions up as early as 6 a.m or as late as 8 p.m.

If you would like to set up a session, you can contact me at:  or 802-233-4997, and I will get back to you with available times. When you email, please specify if you are interested in a half hour or hour session time, what time zone you live in, what country you live in, and which days of the week (and times of day) in general, are good with you.

Session options:

1.  1/2 hour session (30 minutes) $35.00

2.  1 hour session (60 minutes) $60.00

I accept payment by Pay Pal (or personal check if we have had a previous appointment)

I have studied at Harvard Divinity school, was ordained as an interfaith minister by The New Seminary in NYC, conducted retreats for deepening connection with the spirit, completed a year of Shamanic work and a vision quest for women in the mountains of New Mexico, studied and completed advanced training in EFT, and worked for 17 years with people in 12 step recovery programs.

I must add here that the work that I do comes from a place beyond any training or knowledge that I gained at schools. Since I was a little girl, I “saw inside” others. I could see where they were hiding from themselves, and saw the greatness too. This work (which truly is not work to me) is what I am meant to do in this lifetime. It is why I am here.

19 thoughts on “PRIVATE SESSIONS”

  1. YES..I would like to be included in the earring re-gifting.

    Sometimes the Universe just wants us to slow down.

    With the wild winter weather, I could not drive myself in snow + ice due to mobility issues. Needed to rely on others for transportation, shopping. Missed 8 weeks of Tai Chi, which I adore.

    Now Spring has arrived and am back to Tai Chi and independent driving. Was hard to not spontaneously come and go.

    Found blessings in my own home until it all worked out.

  2. I found my way to you from Jon Katz’ blog. Recently I was hospitalized unexpectedly and due to a new computer program (!) I was denied access to several of the medications that ward off chronic pain and severe depression….yes I went into withdrawal and I had a couple of really bad days there. I just wanted to let you know that your blog and Jon’s were my only link to anything positive and uplifting, so thank you very much for the support that I needed so very badly!

  3. I just wanted to let you know that the last two days your posts have come to my email blank….hope you can resend. I really miss reading these in the mornings before work!

    1. Thank you Tricia…it has something to do with Word Press (the site that hosts the blog) I think (they have also changed the way the posts look)…I hope they fix it soon. Please let me know if it doesn’t change within a few days.

  4. Oh how I love your blog. Yours and Jon Katz’s (he put me onto yours) are two blogs I follow religiously every day. You, (and he) keep things and the world in general in balance in my head and I love how you both do that. Your words of wisdom are a beacon in these times, a tall glass of cool, refreshing water, as it were.
    Last year I lost the company of a dear, dear friend. His voice, his spirit was something I cherished deeply. He had a poet’s heart, which held a kindness and a deep respect for all things, even those things that gave him discomfort because he always believed they held a lesson for him. When he passed he left a huge hole. Today I told my husband I found a kindred voice in Jon and you and that when I read your blogs, I hear my John’s voice still speaking to me.
    I’m glad you began your blog.
    I look forward every day to ‘visiting with you’!

  5. OK, pals, cellosusie is me, but I have NO idea why I couldn’t log on to White Feather this morning. Fortunately my son got me back and running. I’m a major doofus on tech issues, so. . .

  6. Hello Mary!

    After coming home from work today, my husband stopped me before I headed into the house. He had to show me a picture that he had taken earlier in the day. He hands me his phone and says, “Can you tell me who this is?”. I find myself looking at a picture of you! I could not believe it.
    I am a dental hygienist in Vermont and I have been following your blog for about a year now. I found out about you after talking to Brother Mark one day. He mentioned you and recommended that I get in touch with you. He was talking about one of your healing techniques (I’m sorry to admit that I cannot remember the name of the technique). I think about getting in touch with you often but finances are not conducive to anything extra at this time. So instead, I decided to follow your blog and have been following you ever since. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your blog. It is so strange to me that he ran into you today! So upon request, I am writing a comment to you.
    Have a wonderful night!

    Danyelle Brookins

  7. Love the look of the new website, and I too follow you each day…I do appreciate how you are brave enough to tell all your readers about your ups and downs in life, and how we can work on this for ourselves. Thanks for your good works and am happy that your struggles are yielding good things for you!

  8. When I read today’s post, it was timely. Last night I had actually Googled “what to do when a friend stops speaking to you.” This clicked when you wrote about the letters you did not send, which essentially what I found on the post. I’d still love a session to ponder this deeper, as it’s my cousin who has shut me out after a life time. Part of me is WTH?! while the other is thinking what a downer she is most of the time. Thank you for all your posts Mary. Happy holidays to you and yours. K

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